Most people desperately want things to get better but are terrified of change. Me included. Today I am fortunate to have many friends in the same boat. When one of us is faced with uncertainty we can reassure them, from our collective experience, that there is nothing to fear. God is always on the road ahead and God is love, making safe and successful our way. Whenever change presents itself a favorite affirmation of mine by Louise Hay always comes to mind. It is; "I'm safe; it's only change."
Over the years I've been reassured by many short, sweet encouraging words of wisdom regarding change. In addition to my favorite by Louise Hay, here are some of the ones that I continue to whip out and apply when necessary. They help me let go of my fear and uncertainty with healthy and mature acceptance that enables me to see the perceived change as necessary and for my greater good. And it always is.
"If nothing changes, nothing changes."
"Change is not painful, resistance to change is painful."
"The only thing constant in the Universe is change."
"There's no progress without change."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake.
So, I wonder what wonderful thing is going to come of this!"
"I'm safe; it's only change."