"If you're feeling shitty make something pretty." - Diana, Darrell's cousin
This remedy is no secret, you may have even heard the saying, "Move a muscle: change an emotion." What does any of this have to do with being submitted for an Emmy®? Nothing, but since the news program I produce in Los Angeles was submitted for one this year I decided I'd make a preemptive strike. In my attempt to avoid the high high of potential nomination as well as the low low of being passed over I decided I'd bare my soul. Miraculously it worked. By shamelessly pointing out my less than virtuous craving for approval, via cartoon confession, I've made it through the Emmy® selection process emotionally unscathed - even after finding out we weren't nominated. Here they are, my before and after shots of the Emmy® selection process, so you can enjoy a laugh at my expense too.
Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can. -Elsa Maxwell
*For those of you unfamiliar with Famous Amos you can discover more about him by clicking on this link. As for the guy smoking a cigar in the bottom right corner, that's the ghost of Darrell's father.
Reality kingpin Mark Burnett has been tapped to produce the 2011 Primetime Emmy Awards on Sept. 18, which will air on Fox.