"When I need inspiration, I don't want to have to wade through a lot of text to get it. I want something brief to read that will ignite my enthusiasm and motivate me. My intention in creating this short book is that you will be motivated by what Lady Liberty symbolizes enough to pursue your dream."
-Darrell Fusaro
Order your copy today.
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self-illustrated book, "Step Out Boldly,
The Hidden Meaning of
The Statue of Liberty"
on the podcast "I Was There!"
Click here to listen.
featuring lively conversations with
eyewitnesses to significant modern events.
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It's an excerpt from my latest book, "Break Out of Your Box: Be Your Heroic Self".
It’s a blast, to be free at last! Don’t let fear keep you from making the journey. Read this book and gain the joyful confidence to step out boldly. See how success comes easiest and best through the application of love, not force.
Treat yourself to a copy today.
Also available on Kindle. ORDER NOWArtist Foozaro is Darrell Fusaro, a decorated US Coast Guard veteran, co-host of the internationally popular weekly podcast, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, and author of the book, What if Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?
Praise for Break Out of Your Box"I had the great honor of working with Foozaro during my time as editor of Daily Word Magazine. He had written several fantastic, heartfelt articles over the years, so I knew Break Out of Your Box would continue that tradition.
When my copy arrived, I dedicated a block of time to read. Before I knew it, that time block had long come and gone and I had read through the entire book! I couldn't put it down! Granted, dinner was not on the table, chores remained incomplete, and the pets were frustrated that they weren't fed. But my soul was satisfied because of Foozaro's positive living insights using his own real-world experiences. The artwork is amazing and sets the tone for each chapter. The subtitle, Be Your Heroic Self, is a fantastic reminder that we each have before us all that we need to create an inspired life. With Foozaro's guidance, readers will get there! Now that I have finished the book, I am taking a chapter a week to reflect on the message and to journal (or "joy"nal as Foozaro says) about how it applies in my own life. I highly recommend this book!" -- Amazon Verified Purchaser, Customer Reviews |
It’s the one we should all read. About a generation ago we thought we had God in a box. Now it’s our turn. So many of us are imprisoned in a box of our own making. Why? Because we don’t realize we did this to ourselves. We’re kind of content with our sad state and we don’t see a way out. We think we’re victims of some cruel fate and we’re unaware of our own strength.
The magic, the positive, explosive energy of Break Out of Your Box: Be Your Heroic Self is this--Foozaro boils all our fears and hesitancies down to the fact that we’re afraid of what we could be, of who we should be. “The goal is not hard to attain,” he says. “It is our habits that get in the way.” We need to shake off our false image and trust in God’s love for us.
I encourage you to get a copy of Break Out of Your Box. The author, Darrell Fusaro, is an artist and he will literally draw you out of your box and show you so many practical, positive, enjoyable, and inspiring ways to be genuinely free. So, be a hero, break out of your box and gift the world with your true self!" – Sr. Mary Lea Hill, fsp, aka The Crabby Mystic
Personally signed copy of "Break Out of Your Box" Free Shipping
Order your personally signed copy of Foozaro's new book, Break Out of Your Box.
It’s a blast, to be free at last! Don’t let fear keep you from making the journey. Read this book and gain the joyful confidence to step out boldly. See how success comes easiest and best through the application of love, not force.
Foozaro makes it clear that at any moment we can start singing a brand new song.
Order your personally signed copy today. *Limit of 2 copies per order. Price includes shipping.
*For larger orders please contact via the contact tab on the website menu.
Creative Recovery Card
It takes skill to be a creative artist, and I’ve come to rely on S-K-I-L-L as the acronym for these five encouraging tips. With this card you can have them on hand to remain motivated, or share them with a friend. Just $2.99 each. Price includes shipping!
God Box Card
The God box may seem silly or at best too simple to be of any real help, but for those who have tried it, we are unanimous: it works! This card simply describes what a God box is. Share it with someone you love so they too can enjoy the benefits of an affirmative prayer practice. Just $2.99 each. Price includes shipping!
Enjoy Art Like a Pro Card
This high quality postcard was created as an invitation for those who come from underserved communities or who have not come from privileged educational backgrounds. It serves as a welcome mat, opening the door to the world of art museums and galleries. The carefully chosen prose makes the gallery experience accessible to all and encourages individual and diverse perspectives. Encourage yourself or a friend to enjoy art like a pro today. Ages 12+ Just $2.99 each. Price includes shipping!
Power of New Card
The words we use have the power to motivate, heal and prosper. At any moment, we can choose words that liberate ourselves from the past and launch us toward our heart’s desire. Keep this card on hand as encouragement to choose something new. Makes a great gift. Just $2.99 each. Price includes shipping!
One Word Prayer Set
I have encouraged many others to use this word to break free from self-limiting beliefs and step out boldly. Once you discover how to use it, this one little word will attract every good desire of your heart. Three (3) card set includes reverse text side in orange, blue, and white.
One Word Prayer White
I have encouraged many others to use this word to break free from self-limiting beliefs and step out boldly. Once you discover how to use it, this one little word will attract every good desire of your heart.
The Problem Devourer
Let him free you from trouble. He’s box-shaped fellow with a slit for a mouth, a hand-crank on his side, and a window on his belly so you can see what’s in his tummy. This card explains how to make and use your very own Argerverschlinger, The Problem Devourer.
"I’m the Ärgerverschlinger and I’m here to say,
Some thoughts are unfriendly and get in your way
If you have a fear, anger, or worry,
Then give them to me right away in a hurry
Write it down, I will gobble them up
And once again you will have good luck"
Makes a great gift. Just $2.99 each. Price includes shipping!
Liberty Is Stepping Out
The Statue of Liberty: A Symbol of Personal Empowerment
Unique art and essay on the powerful symbolism contained in the Statue of Liberty can inspire and motivate you to pursue your dreams. Makes a great gift. The following is printed on the back of the card:
The Statue of Liberty Is Stepping Out
Did you know that the Statue of Liberty isn't standing still? If you notice her right foot, you can see by its position that she’s about to take a step forward. Lady Liberty embodies the fact that our true security lies in adventure. And near her right foot there are broken chains, representing freedom from oppression; the shackles of fear, doubt and worry that often hinder us from taking that crucial first step toward our desires. Whatever you believe you can accomplish or have faith in achieving, take the first step.
She holds a tablet inscribed with Roman numerals reading "July 4, 1776," symbolizing America's Declaration of Independence. This highlights the truth that when we make a decision – our personal Declaration of Independence – to boldly take a step toward our desire, the universe will conspire in our favor. Providence will illuminate our path, symbolized by the torch she holds high. As you move forward, you will be guided by your intuition.
When we step in the direction of our desire, we are crowned with favor, just as she is. By choosing to follow the promptings of our heart we feel empowered, enthusiastic, and radiant. The seven points, which are rays of light atop her crown symbolize this state of consciousness. When we let our light shine we inspire others to do the same. The fact that there are seven rays underscores the universality of Liberty’s message as being applicable to everyone across all seven continents and the seven seas. She emphasizes the spiritual truth that you can embark on the transformative journey towards realizing your dreams regardless of who or where you are – when you step out boldly.
Now Available in Paperback!
The new book by Darrell Fusaro encourages readers
to trust their gut, act on intuition, and step out boldly. "The stories are inspiring, constructive, and humorous. Fusaro has a positive, down-to-earth, and fun-loving style; he's like a cross between Dave Barry or David Sedaris and Emmet Fox or Eric Butterworth. If you like spirituality but don't like hearing it from blowhards, gurus, or academics, you'll enjoy this. The drawings are great, too, if you like the old-school Sunday comics style of Charles Schulz and Bill Watterson. Recommended." –Amazon, Customer Reviews
Even if you just bought it for the chapter titles and Darrell Fusaro's illustrations alone, you'd be getting more than your money's worth for this book. Darrell Fusaro's old-school charm and no-nonsense approach to spirituality will keep you laughing and inspired. His wit and wisdom is packed into easy-to-digest, bite-sized stories of how he transforms chaos into tranquility and succeeds by doing the opposite of everyone else.
"Rarely does a book inspire me like "What if Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?" has done. Your book invites people to look seriously but lightheartedly at their usual responses to life situations. You offer simple, practical alternative responses that really CAN turn any negative experiences into positive, life-affirming ones. I've recommend this book to my congregation and have used some of your stories as great examples during my Sunday talks." –Rev. Tom Thorpe, Unity of Independence, Independence, MO.
Personally signed copies available directly from author.
“Darrell Fusaro shares his life lessons with inspiring creativity. This book is encouraging, funny, and heart-warming —a combination I highly recommend!”
-- Laura Harvey, editor of Daily Word "The words and illustrations of Darrell Fusaro's Hollywood self-help good-advice memoir play their way across the pages of his new book, the vignettes inspiring courage and laughter and even a tear or two. Spending some time with Fusaro's stories will leave with you no choice but to smile and carry on. He forgot to mention that he hangs out with a group of nuns, but then if he had, it would have necessitated a change to some of his more colorful adjectives." -- Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, Author and Film Critic, Sister Rose Goes To The Movies
"I love this inspirational little book. It was very, very entertaining and had a wonderful message about finding something good in every bad situation. The cartoons with the stories were wonderful. Yes I would recommend this book to everyone who needs a better outlook on life." -- Amazon Verified Purchaser, Customer Reviews
"Imagine that it’s darkest before the dawn, that it’s all about listening to your inner voice, and that everything works out for the best; you’ve just imagined “What If Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?” by Darrell Fusaro. The renowned local cartoonist has come out with a volume that’s a self-help memoir filled with the illustrations that have made his name." -- Culver City Crossroads
Now Available on Nook and Kindle
Order today and enjoy your eBook!
Articles on Darrell Fusaro’s artistic adventures have been covered in dozens of programs and publications from The New York Times to American Artist Magazine, LA Weekly to L’Italo Americano (Italian), Military Times to Cinefex Magazine, and SoCal News to CNN. He is also featured as an artist and filmmaker in the following books; “The Documentary Moviemaking Course: The Starter Guide to Documentary Filmmaking” By Kevin J. Lindenmuth, “Pastel School: A Practical Guide to Painting and Drawing with Pastels” By Hazel Harrison, and “How to Get Hung: A Practical Guide for Emerging Artists” By Molly Barnes.
Each week we administer a refreshing dose of laughter and love that will inspire you to step out boldly.
Subscribe to Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed wherever you listen to podcasts for your weekly mood booster. |
The best-selling book MY OLD DOG: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts, including photography by Darrell's wife, renowned animal photographer Lori Fusaro, just might be the happiest book you’ll ever read. It shares success stories that show how blissful retirement can be for older dogs who get rescued, and how life-changing senior dog adoption can be for the humans who do the rescuing, such as Academy Award-winning actor George Clooney. Read more>>