Do you ever consider if the choices you make are fit for a King? Do you have your best interests in mind when making decisions?
The luxury clothing store Barneys New York had a great slogan during its heyday. It was, “Select, don’t settle.”
What a wonderful commitment to make for ourselves: select, don’t settle. It all begins with our thinking. Are the thoughts you choose to entertain about yourself and your circumstances fit for a King? Or do you just condemn, complain, and curse? The royal road to health, happiness and prosperity is paved with thoughts fit for a King.
Whatever you allow to occupy your mind you magnify in your own life. The fact is that what we think upon grows. Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. Where your attention goes energy flows. Whatever is the subject of your thought, be it good or bad, the law works and the condition grows. So, if you desire to enjoy more of what you love and less of what you don’t, remember that you are the King. You are the one who has the power and authority over the thoughts you think and the choices you make. See yourself occupying the inner throne of your consciousness. Rule with love and faith.
Don’t give up your throne by taking offense. As soon as we start to complain about anyone, we abdicate our throne and we let them take it. When this happens we have the choice to either let someone we are upset with rule our consciousness or we can reclaim the throne and remain in power. Take the kingly perspective by realizing that all human behavior is expressed as one of two things: either love or a call for love. Knowing this, you can choose to see the offender as coming to you for absolution. They are asking for your blessing. So, give them the royal treatment. Crown them with love and your self-esteem will remain intact.
Dr. David J. Schwartz encouraged many to upgrade their thinking by thinking like an important person. For example: when worrying he suggests asking yourself, “Would an important person worry about this?” When it comes to having an idea to consider ask yourself, “What would an important person do if he or she had this idea?” How about language? “Am I using the language of a successful person?” What about what you’re reading? “Would an important person read this?” How about when you lose your temper? “Would an important person get mad at what I’m mad at?”
I know that when I relinquish my throne and allow another to occupy my seat, either because I'm resentful or afraid of their opinion, I lose my birthright. I am acting like an impostor, and it feels terrible. I’m drained of all my confidence and the fear of other people's opinion of me grows. When this happens, I’ve found that the best way to restore me to sanity is to quickly visualize myself back in the throne of my consciousness. This simple exercise can be considered an affirmative prayer, a short meditation that reconnects me with my true identity as a unique child of God. This practice quickly renews my confidence, sense of well-being, and position of power.
You deserve the royal treatment. Select, don’t settle. Think like an important person. You always have the power and authority to anoint all your circumstances with thoughts of love and success. Make the choice that’s fit for a King. You are a King!
Artist Darrell Fusaro is a decorated U.S. Coast Guard veteran, co-host of the internationally popular weekly podcast, “Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed” and author of the books, “What if Godzilla Just Wanted a Hug?” and “Break Out of Your Box: Be Your Heroic Self”.