I relate to this "note to self" 100%. All I kept thinking was, what a great thing to have on the door of your work space. That's because it's impossible for me to create anything and enjoy myself with my ego around. It's like having someone constantly looking over your shoulder while you're working. My ego's a pest obsessed with constantly reminding me how others may judge whatever it is I'm doing. He thinks he's helping with his advice, and some of it even comes across as constructive criticism, but all I end up doing is second guessing myself. And even if I persevere in my ego's presence I never feel 100% confident about what I've done no matter how many wonderful reviews I get.
So consciously leaving my ego at the door is the best way for me to get started on anything. Without my ego in the way I'm free do whatever it is I'm inspired to do. I can play, I can make a mess, I can be silly, I can make mistakes. I can live without inhibition. I'm free to be me and when I'm true to myself I always feel confident about whatever it is I've done - no matter what other people think of it. I'm happy, satisfied and feel inspired to continue and create some more - READY to have more fun!
Thanks Leebs, that's just what I needed.
control over your inner voice." -Darren L. Johnson
"My ego is not mi amigo." -Unknown