So that evening I began. Every time I thought of this guy I sent him love. I’d see him in my mind’s eye smiling, happy, feeling loved and safe. It wasn’t easy, but a lot more relaxing than coming up with malicious thoughts of getting even. That evening before bed I was reading a book and this jumped off the page.
“Be absolutely undisturbed by injustice and send good-will to all concerned. ‘My good-will is a strong tower round me. I now transmute enemies into friends, all inharmony into harmony, all injustice into justice.’ You will be amazed at the working of the law.”
Coincidence? I chose to see it as divine guidance, reinforcing the idea that I was on the right track, so it became my goal. In the days ahead I continued; whenever he came up in my mind and the urge to criticize him or wish him gone for good, I steered my thoughts toward love, for him to receive all the good I would want for myself.
A week went by and because of a previously scheduled speaking engagement I missed the following Monday’s get together. So last night was my first time back since the incident two weeks prior. I got there right before the start and when I saw this fellow seated in the meeting I genuinely felt happy to see him. I even smiled in his direction and waved, “Hi!” It didn’t look like he saw me but as I walked to my seat I was amazed. I couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t a forced feeling of acceptance; I had no animosity in my heart at all. It was incredible and that alone would have been wonderful if that were all that happened but there was more to follow. When the meeting ended and I was milling around saying my “Good-bye’s” this guy, who just two weeks earlier was ready to tear my head off walked right up to me. He was smiling with his arms outstretched as if to give me a big hug and said, “Darrell, I’m sorry about last week, man.” Before I could finish saying, “It’s OK man, we’re all learning.” “I know, but I was too aggressive and it was wrong. Are we OK?” I smiled at him, shook hands, and said, “Yes we are.”
No matter how many times I experience the incredibly positive outcomes that occur when I comply with the laws of spirit; my initial impulse is always to do the contrary. Thank God, that at least I am aware that these principles exist and that more often than not I’m willing to surrender to love than to fight my way through fear.