That's when I realized how much choosing to be carried along on these magical sidewalks has in common with how I can decide to live my life - day to day, moment by moment.
When I am grateful for what I have and trusting God for what I need, I feel optimistic. With this attitude I move through my day with effortlessness and ease. Situations that arise are easily met, obligations are kept, and complications seem to work themselves out miraculously. I feel as if I am gliding along throughout my day.
Problem is that I, like most people, tend to forget to activate this healthy perspective. That's when I am susceptible. I’ll see something I must get, fear I'll lose something I already have, or an unexpected problem throws me into panic. That’s when I forget all about trusting in a universe that’s on our side and feel compelled to push and shove to get or protect what's mine.
Once I head down this avenue of thought it’s as if I did an about-face on the moving sidewalk. And now it feels like I'm relentlessly fighting my way back in the opposite direction with everything moving against me. In an instant it's as if I went from peacefully cruising along effortlessly to aggressively trying to keep up on a fast moving treadmill. I may even make it all the way back to the beginning of the line and seem to get what I wanted - but in order to hang on to it I must continue to keep moving my feet. Trying to succeed by this method is exhausting. “If you got to fight get it, you got to fight to keep it.” Ain't that the truth?
The good news is I don’t have the energy I once had to fight against the flow of life for as long as I was once able. I am happy to admit I give up much easier today. I've learned that when it comes to life, surrender means coming over to the winning side. Even though I've learned this lesson over and over it's worth restating it; I have discovered that everything I thought I needed to happen that didn't, was for the best. Most of which, now looking back, I am grateful never happened the way I had hoped.
Over the years I have come to rely on some simple truths that help me avoid rejoining the rat race.
One of my favorites is, “Rejection is God’s protection.” A great reminder I use to reassure myself when I don't seem to get my way.
"This or something better!" Helps me stay enthusiastic about taking action towards my goals without demanding that they must work out exactly as I had planned.
The old saying, "If it's not a, 'Hell yes!', then it's a, 'No." Prevents me from getting too far involved with something that my ego justifies as a "great idea."
As far as panic or rushing to make something happen goes, well that’s when I remind myself that, “God never panics” and “Everything that NEEDS to be done will get done.”
With the use of these simple mental reminders I can re-ignite my faith in a universe that is on my side. They calm me down mentally so I can enjoy my ride on the moving sidewalk of life that comfortably carries me on my way.
"The best is yet to come." - Frank Sinatra