It’s fun to have friends "on the same page" because we get to compare notes and usually find we are inspired by the same topics. Speaking of which, I think this reading from the book, “God Grant Me…,” really hits the nail on the head regarding anger and is worth sharing.
“Anger was spreading through me like a malignant tumor.” –Isabel Allende
We can’t afford the dubious luxury of anger. The reasons are many. Anger feeds and inflates our egos. Anger disconnects us from our conscience, our values, and the conscious contact we have worked hard to nurture. Anger gives us a sense of entitlement: we believe we can do and say whatever we want. Anger allows us to feel self-righteous and above others, increasing our isolation. Anger creates a separation from the “We” of our society and back to the “Me” of arrogance.
Anger is often a mask for hurt or fears. If we stay angry, we never learn how to effectively face and deal with these feelings. We stay reactive instead of embracing the serenity that awaits us. We need to stop the cancer of anger from growing in our hearts and souls.
Prayer for the day:
“Higher Power, I often use anger to cover up my hurts and fears. I am weak; you are strong. Give me the willingness to turn to Your strength instead of my anger.”
In the book, "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions," it points out that "the chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear - primarily the fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded." And in the "Course in Miracles" it states "All anger is nothing more than an attempt to make someone feel guilty."
Next time you feel yourself getting irritated and angry, before it gets the best of you, ask yourself, "What am I afraid of?" Whenever I do this I am amazed at how quickly I can identify what it is that I'm afraid of and how insignificant and selfish my little fear usually is. As soon as the light of reason shines upon the origin of my anger it seems to dissipate on the spot as if I'm letting the air out of a balloon. I can then reassure myself, like a loving parent, that my fear is irrational and all is well. Once again I'm grateful I avoided disaster, had I acted out.
"If you lose your temper, you lose." - Unknown